Instructions for use NicoZero

Directions for use NicoZero

NicoZero blocks of the susceptibility of the receptors to nicotine

Spray NicoZero suitable for people in your country that have already taken the decision to stop Smoking and forget about this harmful habit. Treatment of quit Smoking with the help of the spray is produced without problems, without stress and discomfort, and without subsequent return to Smoking if:

  • They have achieved success in the attempt to stop smoking;
  • ready to rely on the experience of the innovations of modern times;
  • pay attention to the safety of the drug and its natural composition;
  • we appreciate the ease and convenience of use;
  • choose NicoZero in order to help themselves in the fight against Smoking.

Recommendations for the use of spray

The instruction inside the package describes in detail the application of' NicoZero. Read it carefully before using it.

Every time You feel the urge to smoke, the use of the spray.

  1. In the first use or prolonged interruption in the use, first test the spray with a touch to the other side.
  2. Move as close to the open mouth.
  3. Spray the inside of the mouth. The active ingredients are absorbed through the mucous membranes.
  4. Avoid contact with the lips and the throat.
  5. Do not swallow and do not breathe in during spraying of a spray.
  6. The desire disappears in a few minutes. If you do not feel this effect, use the spray again.

For a complete rejection of the tobacco should be gradually to reduce the number of applications of the spray.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug does not have side effects as it contains 100% natural ingredients. However, intended for persons 18 years of age or older. Security NicoZero clinically tested, which have the corresponding certificates.

Single contraindication is the presence of allergic reactions to individual components of the composition. If after using the spray, You feel bad, take a break in its application. If you return as a reaction should consult a specialist in order to avoid side effects.